A look through the keyhole into the Ian McConnell’s Veterinary Practice

Ian McConnell Veterinary Practice was established in Mossley in the year 2000.

Due to recent major changes within the veterinary industry, it remains one of the very few veterinary practices in the area that is still a family owned fully independent practice.

The practice re-located a short distance to its current location in the former Mossley library in October 2014 and because of the size of the building and the significant investment made at that time, is now available to offer a fantastic range of services to pet owners.

One such service is the provision of 24-hour care at the practice with dedicated night vets and nurses providing this care. This is provided by Pet 999 emergency vets and importantly the Pet 999 service is available to ANY pet owners that wish to use this service should the need arise.

You can be registered with any vet to use this service and it may avoid the need to travel long distances to another out-of-hours provider should your pet be taken ill. The telephone number for this service is 01457 839399.

One of the other most recent services offered at the practice is keyhole surgery. Most people will have heard or may even have had keyhole surgery themselves.

The main keyhole procedure carried out at the practice is for neutering of bitches, and Mr McConnell who holds a General Practitioner Certificate in Endoscopy and Endosurgery, has carried out more than 200 of these procedures over the last 2 years.

The advantages of keyhole surgery are smaller incisions, less internal trauma resulting in less pain and a much quicker recovery than conventional open surgery.

Although neutering is the commonest procedure carried out at the practice, there are many other applications that the keyhole kit can be used for, these include ear examinations, nasal examinations, bladder examinations, retained testicles and exploratory examinations.

While X-rays and scans are useful, keyhole surgery uses a camera that magnifies the images so that a really detailed examination can be carried out; it also allows samples or biopsies to be taken with the minimal amount of trauma.

The kit used for these procedures is very similar to that used in human hospitals and Ian McConnell Veterinary Practice has invested in the very best equipment and training to ensure the safety and comfort of your pet.

We are happy to offer these procedures to clients from other veterinary practices as a one-off service.

Please contact the practice if you feel your pet would benefit from any of these procedures or if you would like further information.

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