Cadets keep in the family

AIR Cadets in Royton now have a new face to answer to but not a completely different name.

For the squadron has been handed over by Squadron Leader Mark Hamilton to his daughter Kate.

The family handover of the 1855 (Royton) Squadron Air Training Corps, which is based on Hillside Avenue, took place last month.

And Flying Officer Kate admits some things may change, even though her old man will not be far away.

She said: “It has been an aspiration of mine since I first joined the Air Cadets in 2006 to follow in my dad’s footsteps and become the commanding officer.

“He is a legend at the unit and there are definitely a big pair of shoes to fill.

“However, a fresh perspective can be a good thing and I am looking forward to the challenges that face me.

“Dad will still be around to support the squadron and is available at the end of the phone (sometimes I think he wishes I didn’t call so much!).

“I am thrilled to be given the opportunity to put my name on the door and my own stamp on the running of the squadron but the influence that dad has had will never be far away.”

Sqn Ldr Hamilton moved on to concentrate on his role as Deputy Wing Commander.

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