Carers invited to find out about advice and support as Oldham Council backs national Rights Day

Oldham Council is supporting a UK-wide initiative to help local carers know their rights and find out how to get the support they are entitled to.

Care rs Rights’ Day is an annual event and this year the initiative takes place on Friday 24 November.

The national Carers Rights Day 2017 event is bringing organisations across the UK together to increase the take-up of benefits carers are entitled to and to raise awareness of their needs. In Oldham the Carers Partnership Board is promoting and raising the profile of carers in the borough.

Carers are invited to join Oldham Carers Services from 11am-2pm at The Link Centre, Union Street, Oldham.

This will be an opportunity for carers to find out about available information, advice and support and meet other carers and staff.  There will also be a chance to arrange an appointment for a carers assessment if needed and have your free flu vaccination.

A light lunch and refreshments will be provided and carers can browse a number of stalls providing information on a range of services.  You can also observe a demonstration of healthy and tasty cooking – booking in advance on 0161 770 4786

There will also be the opportunity for carers to have their say on the Oldham Carers’ plan – a three year plan setting out our priorities for our carers across the borough.

Cllr Jenny Harrison, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Safeguarding, said: “Carers are people who dedicate their lives to helping others so it is our duty to ensure they know exactly what they are entitled to.

“Without carers, so many people in Oldham – and across the world – would not be able to live the lives they live. Being a carer comes with huge responsibility and sacrifice. Many people give up their careers  to look after someone in need and the day is about celebrating the dedication and appreciation of so many people

“Carers might need anything from financial support to help in managing the impact caring has on their health and relationships. If you care for someone and are unsure of your rights please come along so we can help you access the support you deserve, you will be very welcome”


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