By Charlotte Green, Local Democracy Reporter
CROMPTON House School is to receive a £10.8m extension to meet the demand for new pupil places.
Oldham Council bosses have agreed to invest in building a new three-storey classroom block on the Rochdale Road site.
A dining room extension and other internal alterations will also be funded, to allow an extra four forms of entry to join the school.
The total cost to the authority is estimated to be £10.89m – which was £2.89m over what the council had budgeted for.
Bosses have now agreed to fund the extra costs from unallocated money within the Basic Needs Grant, which they use to ensure there are enough school places in the borough.
It forms part of a ‘significant’ programme of expansion of the Rochdale Road school, which is rated ‘good’ by Ofsted.
Councillor Paul Jacques, cabinet member for education and culture, said the proposal was ‘welcome.’
He said: “As we all know there is additional pressure on school places across the borough, like many other boroughs, school places are very scarce.
“What we’ve managed to do in Oldham is set aside almost £30m for expansion.”
He asked fellow cabinet members to support the proposal to expand Crompton House.
“Clearly the cost has gone up somewhat, but that was due to the tendering process, the additions we’re putting into the building and also additional costs for parking on the school,” added Cllr Jacques.
“Because we recognise that any expansion requires additional parking for the school, and staff.
“I think it’s the right step and we recognise every school and ever community needs to be of the highest order and I think what we’re trying to do here is alleviate the pressure, but more importantly, build good schools in the right areas to accommodate local needs.”
The cost for 112 new pupils for September 2019 to March 2020 will be £323,215 with the same increase in resources required across future years.
This will be funded from the growth fund.
Crompton House currently has a capacity for 1,415 students according to Ofsted.
The cabinet agreed to sign off on the extra funding and to accept a tender for the building work.