Dog showpiece is Bark in the Park

ROYTON Park rather than the more appropriately named Dogford Park was venue for the town’s annual canine showpiece organised by Royton and Crompton Rotary Club.

More than 70 proud owners attended Bark in the Park 2019 and entered their pooches in a variety of classes from prettiest bitch to most handsome dog.

This year’s supreme champion was Phoebe with springer spaniel Tilly.

A spokesman for the Rotary Club said: “The atmosphere in the park was fantastic with owners chatting and dogs getting to know each other!

“To keep themselves warm, spectators and owners made use of the Inner Wheel’s refreshment tent including a selection of homemade cakes.

“A big thank you to the judges who had a difficult job but managed to not upset too many owners with their choices. They were Patrick Tyrrell, our Rotary District Governor, Jean Wild, Inner Wheel District Governor, and Jean Walsh, Crompton and Royton Inner Wheel President.

“The event made a small profit which will help local charities.

“But the show was more about putting on a community event to bring local people together who have a shared passion for their dogs.

“I am sure some people met and talked to each other for the first time and admired each other’s pets.

“We had a large variety of dogs and breeds that created much interest amongst the owners.”

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