Generous parent donates defibrillator to Royton primary school to help save lives

A NEW life-saving defibrillator has been installed at St Paul’s Primary School in Royton to benefit the whole community thanks to a generous benefactor.

Ian Parry, who has two children at the school on Hindle Drive, has donated the equipment so it can be used if needed by the school and the general public during school hours.

It is stored in the school’s reception area and will be linked to the North West Ambulance Service so anyone nearby can be directed to it if they ring 999 in an emergency.

Mrs Hilary Henderson, Mrs Lucie Wood, Miss Emma Smalley, Mr Ian Parry and pupils Jayden, Daisy, Laila, and Olivia with the defibrillator

Mr Parry said: “I donated the defibrillator as it is something every school needs. A lot of schools are deciding to get them because of accidents children can have.

“But it can also be used by parents and grandparents dropping them off or picking them up, or even people living nearby, so it will be an asset for the whole community.

“It is really easy equipment that can be used by anybody. You just lift the lid and listen to the instructions.”

Mr Parry, who runs a medical company specialising in event cover and training, stressed the importance of also using CPR to significantly increase a patient’s chance of survival.

All staff and Year Six pupils at St Paul’s have received CPR training, while Year Five took part in a first aid course at Oldham Athletic Football Club.

And the school’s Health Champion representatives are working hard to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle, both mental and physical, to fellow pupils.

This includes using the recently-built Daily Mile Circuit in the school grounds, which is available for children and parents to use as part of the school’s commitment to healthy living.

Health Champions Olivia, Daisy, Laila and Jayden were delighted to welcome the new defibrillator to the school.

Olivia said: “It is a good thing to have as if anything happens it could save someone’s life faster than an ambulance can get here.”

Daisy added: “It is really important to help save people’s lives. We can use it and also anyone living across the street or nearby can do if they need to.”

Hilary Henderson, headteacher at St Paul’s, said: “I feel honoured and privileged that a parent should want to donate something so significant to the school that will benefit the entire community.

“We would like everyone to know the defibrillator is here and available if they need to use it.”
Emma Smalley, a parent governor, added: “It is really fantastic that we have a generous parent who has donated something like this.

“It is crucial not just for the children but the whole community too – but hopefully we never have to use it.”

• The defibrillator is accessible during opening hours at St Paul’s Primary School, Hindle Drive, Royton, OL2 5LU. For more details, ring the school on 0161 624 9019.

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