PEOPLE who live, work or travel all across Oldham are being encouraged to have their say as the council prepares its budget for 2024/25.
The local authority says it has “some difficult choices to make” as it cuts £30 million over the next two financial years, but “protecting the vital services for our most vulnerable residents” and “delivering the day-to-day necessities” will be at the heart of its decisions.
The council leader insists the authority is feeling the same pressures as residents.
“Price rises, like fuel and energy, have affected the council just as they have affected your household budget too, and like you, we have to make ends meet and balance our budget,” said Councillor Arooj Shah.
“We’re having to pick up the costs of national crises in housing and social care and unfortunately that cost has to be taken from current budgets and services.
“No one comes into local government to cut services, quite the opposite, but as you’d expect, more and more local people need our help and we have to find ways to do that and prioritise those that need us the most.”
A consultation has been launched in which residents and businesses are being asked where they think the council should save money, and what areas they think the local authority should be spending money on.
It’s open until Friday, February 9, and people can take part online here:
Councillors will then make a final decision on budget proposals at a meeting on February 28.
Councillor Abdul Jabbar, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Resources, said: “Oldham is not in a unique position; all local authorities are having to commit to spending reductions in order to tackle the response to the rising demands we all face.
“Now the consultation has launched, we would encourage everyone to get involved and have their say on how we shape our final plans.”