Oldham Hulme students make the grade

STUDENTS at Oldham Hulme Grammar School have been praised for their ‘fantastic resilience and commitment’ after scoring superb A-level results.

Head boy at the Chamber Road establishment, Charlie Chadwick, came top of the class by securing five A* grades.

His reward will be to take up a place at Oxford University to read Classics.

Three students – Ashton Ford, Lucas Davies and Huzaifa Saleem – each achieved four A*grades.

Ashton Ford achieved four A* grades

Ashton and Lucas are going to Durham to study English Literature and Chemistry respectively, while Huzaifa is taking a gap year.

Tiger Edwards, Huzaifa Iqbal, Aleksander Markiewicz and Lola White all gained three A* grades.

Oldham Hulme principal Craig Mairs praised what the students had achieved despite the most testing of circumstances.

He said: “Both their Year 12 and 13 has been disrupted by the pandemic but we are incredibly proud of how they have met these challenges, particularly those posed by remote learning.

Lola White and Tiger Edwards

“Much has been written about the challenges of this academic year, but I am very proud of our talented and conscientious students, as well as the dedicated and innovative staff team who provided live lessons throughout the periods of lockdown, which ensured that our students reached their potential.

“We are delighted that they have secured their competitive university places and wish them every success with the next stage of their education.”

Charlie Chadwick
Charlie Chadwick, Huzaifa Iqbal and Aleksander Markiewicz

This year’s A-level results were awarded using a system of teacher assessed grades using extensive evidence of students’ achievement throughout their courses, including in formal assessments in school.

Although the circumstances makes comparison with previous years difficult, the school is delighted with the efforts of our students who achieved a 100 per cent pass rate and 94 per cent A*-B grades.

A spokesman added: “However, at Oldham Hulme Grammar School we teach individual students, not an overall set of statistics and we care deeply about their well-being and success.

“The class of 2021 at Hulme was a very strong cohort and we are very pleased for our students across the ability range who have now been awarded results that reflect their efforts and ability.”

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