Improved CQC Rating for Royton’s Royley House Care Home

RESIDENTIAL care home Royley House in Royton has progressed from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good’ after its latest CQC inspection.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated the care home as ‘good’ following a recent inspection, where significant improvements to the safety of the service and how the service is led were noted.

Royley House

The 41-bed home provides residential care to people aged 65+ as well as individuals living with dementia and age-related difficulties.

Following new management being introduced, the provision and standard of care delivered has seen a dramatic positive transformation.

The experienced team now in place has worked closely with CQC and the local authority to make consistent improvements, developing a person-centred approach to care with focus on safety and wellbeing.

The two-storey home has also recently seen a series of significant improvements to its decor, furnishings and the equipment available to residents.

Considerable investment has been made to improve communal spaces, accessible washing facilities and private bedrooms, all with the comfort and safety of staff and residents in mind.

Athar Mahmood, director at Rochcare which runs Royley House, said: “It’s a great comfort to see the hard work by the team at Royley House and management recognised by CQC.

“Royley House sits at the heart of Royton and our aim is to establish the home as a positive asset to this tightly knit community

“This rating is a significant leap towards reaching this goal and we’re confident we can continue to make further improvements.”

Following the latest inspection, the overall rating for the care home progressed from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good.’

The report detailed that ‘relatives spoke positively about the home and told us they would recommend it’.

It added: ‘Medicines were managed safely. Improvements had been made in staff knowledge, understanding and use of the electronic medicines system.

“The provider carried out recruitment checks to make sure staff were suitable to support and care for vulnerable people and there were enough staff to care for people safely who had received training in safeguarding adults and knew how to recognise and report abuse or neglect.’

The report also looked at the home’s reaction to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks and concluded that ‘infection control practices were in place and the home was clean and well maintained.’

The full report and more details about Royley House Care Home can be found online:

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