A PLEDGE to forge closer community links is the message from new Crompton and Rotary Club president Philip Day.

Mr Day takes the chain of office from outgoing president Ian Royle while Andrew Gadd becomes vice-president for 2019-20.
At the handover ceremony Ian thanked members for their support and hard work during his year in office.
Numerous fundraising events had been held in aid of good causes, providing support to local people and groups while also organising a range of social events.
Philip reminded members Rotary, worldwide and locally, has to keep pace with change.
“We are reviewing the activities we undertake and need to make sure to become even more involved in the local community by working in partnership with other people and organisations in Royton and Shaw,” said Philip.
“We have many talented and experienced members who can provide skills to the community to show that working with or joining Rotary is a worthwhile use of people’s time.”
With future projects in mind, Rotary has met with John Ogden, Oldham Council’s area manager for parks and green spaces in Royton and Shaw.
Last year, Rotary planted 4,000 crocus bulbs in Royton Park and will do the same again this year.
Details will follow as the year and plans progress but Rotary will be looking to the local community to support these efforts.
Another positive meeting was with Eve Edwards, community development officer for Royton, Shaw and Crompton.
Rotary members are working also with Oldham Diabetes Support Group to offer local people a chance to find out more about diabetes and if they wish to have a quick test for blood sugar levels.
They will be at Wellbeing pharmacy at Royton precinct between 11am and 1pm on Thursday, August 8 and at Wolstenholme pharmacy, Market Street, Shaw on Thursday, September 5.
Their next fundraising event is Band in a Barn, hosted bt Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs Crompton and Royton.
The function and barbecue will take place on Saturday, August 17 at Day’s Farm, Hanging Chadder, Royton. Tickets cost £15 and food is included.