Plans for new takeaway in High Crompton OFF the menu

PLANS for a new takeaway in High Crompton are OFF the menu.

The application for change of use from a newsagent’s shop to hot food takeaway at 166 Trent Road, High Crompton had been widely criticised by residents and councillors.

Now opponents of the scheme are celebrating after Oldham Council planning officers rejected the scheme.

Confirming the decision officers said: The proposed development would not improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area and therefore does not comprise sustainable development.

“There were no solutions to the scheme or conditions which could reasonably have been imposed o make the development acceptable.

“It was therefore not possible to approve the application.”

The report further stated: “Having regard to the location of the site within a quiet suburban residential area, it is considered the proposal would introduce an incompatible late-night use which would not function well nor enhance the overall quality of the area.

“As a result of inadequate provision for the parking of customer vehicles and due to the proximity of the site to a bus waiting area and wo nearby junctions, I is considered the hot food takeaway use would cause an unacceptable level of traffic congestion and additional manoeuvring of vehicles on the public highway to the detriment of highway safety.”

A design and access statement submitted with the application from Mrs Zarina Akhtar said: “The existing ground floor is used as a shop and newsagents.

“The volume of sale is so poor that to pay monthly utility bills is difficult.

“The owner is willing to change the use of ground floor premises (Shop A1) into Takeaway (A5) to increase his income. Only minor refurbishment is required to convert it into takeaway. “

However, when the proposal came before the planning committee of Shaw and Crompton Parish Council at their October meeting, they voted to recommend refusal.

About 10 members of the public attended the meeting to raise concerns about the application, and their written petition gained more than 100 signatures in a week.

An earlier public meeting, organised by councillor Dave Murphy, was attended by nearly 50 people.

0 Replies to “Plans for new takeaway in High Crompton OFF the menu”

  1. High crompton needs this takeaway as there is no other ones nearby. The area of the shop is a quiet area and would not direct attention at night use for youths as your trying to say but not use the word.

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