By Evie-Rose Holden
A Royton primary school choir chosen to represent the North West at a prestigious event in London is appealing for local sponsors to help make the dream trip a reality.
St Paul’s C of E Primary, on Hindle Drive, was recently involved in a week-long project with iSingPOP, where the whole school learned seven Christmas songs in just five days.
The pupils produced a CD and also performed two concerts for proud parents to show off what they had learned.
After impressing, the school was picked as just one of eight across the country to participate at a major iSingPOP event in London on Thursday, 6 February.
Each school will take about 20 pupils to sing at the National Head Teacher’s conference at the Central Methodist Church in Westminster London.
They will work with iSingPOP leaders to learn three songs, performing two at the start of the conference and one at the end.
They will also take part in a three-hour workshop with the other schools and even the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is the keynote speaker for the event.
Pupils will also experience a couple of hours of sight-seeing around Westminster.
Now St Paul’s is looking for sponsorship or donations to enable them to raise the £1,200 needed for the trip.
Hilary Henderson, headteacher, said: “We would be representing the North West, which is a fabulous honour.
“Despite the children being expected to pay £10 for their t-shirt and workshop contribution, the coach cost from Oldham to London is £1,200.
“We have received donations of around £150 and the school music therapist has donated £200.
“We’re looking for businesses who could offer sponsorship to enable us to go to London, somewhere many of our children will not have experienced.”
iSingPOP is a primary school music project that brings together schools, churches and communities.
Thousands of children are given the opportunity to record an album and perform a live concert in the local church.
Mrs Henderson added: “The company identified with our vision, which recognises the importance of singing and the arts as developing the whole self and contributes to the promotion of positive mental health and well-being.”
If you can sponsor St Paul’s or make a donation for their trip, please contact the school by calling 0161 624 9019 or email
Find out more about iSingPOP on their website: