Take part and serve your community

IT has never been easier to volunteer or to become involved with communities and their activities.

‘Take Part’ is a joint venture between Oldham’s arts, heritage, libraries and music services. An online space makes it easy to see what opportunities are available to residents to become involved with.

The website will act as a one ‘one stop shop’ for anyone interested in getting involved with events or activities in the selected services.

The volunteering opportunities available will be posted as ‘challenges’ and residents ‘complete’ them when they can.

The challenges can be as little as engaging with the services on social media, taking part in some history research, or helping at one of the many events such as the Illuminate Festival or our growing programme of performances and concerts.

Challenges will be updated regularly. Participants can even print off challenges for CVs and request references for completing selected challenges.

Leader of Oldham Council and Cabinet Member for Economy and Enterprise, Councillor Sean Fielding, said: “We know volunteering can often be looked at as time consuming.

“But this website proves you don’t have to commit a huge amount of time to get involved.

“It could be as simple as helping at a town centre event for a few hours or engaging with the services on social media.”

For more information go online to takepartoldham.volunteermakers.org/

To find out more about the services, go online to www.oldham.gov.uk/info/100009/leisure_and_culture)

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