Testing times but all for good of the community

MEMBERS of Crompton and Royton Rotary Club have been out and about in the community raising awareness and offering support to residents wishing to improve their health and well-being.

They also invited Karen Bonell from Lymphoma Action (LA) to give a talk on the UK’s fifth most common cancer.

Karen, regional development manager for LA, revealed every 27 minutes someone is diagnosed with lymphoma in the UK and around 125,000 people in the UK are living with the condition.

Lymphoma Action has been providing expert information for over 30 years, helping thousands of people affected by lymphoma.

For anyone wishing to know more about the disease visit the website lymphoma-action.org.uk/
Club members have also been into the community helping to provide advice on diabetes.

Together with Barry Cassidy from Oldham Diabetes Voluntary Support Group, Rotarians attended the Wellbeing Pharmacy, Royton precinct where residents could choose to take a test to find out if they might have or were close to being diagnosed with diabetes.

Nurses carried out blood tests with results taking only a minute to reveal a person’s blood sugar level .

A local expert was also available to offer advice about diabetes in a relaxed environment.

A total of 75 people were tested with just one advised to seek further medical advice from their doctor.A Rotary spokesman said: “Thank you to Sayed Shah, the manager, and staff of the pharmacy in Market Square for letting use his shop. And thanks to nurses, Carrie Neild and Diane Moore, who tested people and answered questions during the session.”

Meanwhile Crompton & Royton Rotary Club teamed up with the Stroke Association and the Wolstenholme Pharmacy on Market Street, Shaw to encourage people to have their blood pressure checked and to find out more information about strokes.

Nearly 50 people were tested with a fifth advised to see their GP for a follow up blood pressure check.

“A big thank you to Wolstenholme Pharmacy for providing us with a private space for the testing and all the staff for being helpful and supportive,” said a member.


Bark in the Park

Rotary and Inner Wheel will be running their Bark in the Park, charity fun dog show on Sunday, September 15 from 2pm until 5pm at Royton Park.
See the club’s Facebook page for more information.

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