IT has been lighting up time on the Big Lamp roundabout in Shaw.
And the colour changes at the town centre feature are set to continue for the rest of the year.
Event lighting on the roundabout’s four big trees was first switched on last November. But it will now become more of a feature, as councillor Diane Williamson confirmed.
“You may have noticed around Holocaust Memorial Day the tree was lit up in purple, the colour used by the organisation,” explained Cllr Williamson.
The colour purple changed to red on February 14 to mark Valentine’s Day.
The next change will be to yellow to celebrate St David’s Day on March 1.
Cllr Williamson added: “March and April will be a busy few months for the Big Lamp roundabout.
“The event lighting will be changed as the community of Shaw and Crompton celebrate St Patrick’s Day, Easter and then St George’s Day.”
Meanwhile, Crompton councillors past and present breathed a sigh of relief after learning Sherwood Way and some of the surrounding cul-de-sacs are going to be resurfaced.
“This was a project I really wanted to make sure happened,” said Cllr Williamson.
“With thanks to myself and my colleagues, our persistence has finally paid off.”
Sherwood Way has been brought forward from the year three programme and Thornham Road has been brought forward from year two.
A number of other roads throughout Crompton have also been resurfaced with more to follow.
Elsewhere, residents in the vicinity of Cherry Hall Drive are celebrating after the installation of a new bin at the junction of Thornham Road.