IF dogs truly are man, and woman’s, best friend then caring owners should be leading their canine chums to Waggy Warehouse on Linney Lane.
“We like to think ourselves as the Harrods of dog day care,” says co owner, Claire Pickavance.
And with good reason. You know there’s something special happening on the premises when Claire has just taken delivery of a trampoline for Waggy Warehouse’s four legged visitors.
Future plans include provision for a hydrotherapy pool, patio area and new, soft flooring for younger and arthritic dogs.
There is even ‘Waggy Cabs’ to transport your pets to the Shaw-based doggy heaven.
“Our whole ethos is that it is home from home for our customer’s dogs,” says Claire. “We look after your dog as you would do
“They get one-to-one attention which is why we keep numbers low so we can provide that extra service.
“When a dog is straining on the lead and dragging its owner through the door in the morning to come in, that’s what we want.
“They are so happy and excited so we know are doing our jobs right,” said Claire who bought the business in partnership with friend, Polly Patrick.
“Liam, who had it before, did a fantastic job but we are trying to build on that.”
Heather Screawn is the manager and heads an eight strong team, including six canine carers.
“Most have been with us for at least a year and I will have been here three years next April,” says Heather, a qualified animal behaviourist and qualified canine and human first aider.
“We wanted to keep our staff because dogs have built up a relationship with them and the staff know the dogs.
“Customers know us and they know we know their dogs.
“We are all animal lovers and treat the dogs as we would treat our own. That’s what makes the difference.
“Dogs that come here all have something to do so they don’t get bored. In fact, some can get so excited they have to have a nap! The dogs have a structure but we let them play.”
The timetable includes training and cuddle sessions.
Waggy Warehouse celebrates its third birthday with a party for owners and pooches on Saturday, October 21.
They are also hosting a free workshop on October 23 between 6.30pm-7.30pm for owners wanting help and advice if their animals react adversely to fire works and Bonfire Night.
Waggy Warehouse opens from 8am to 6pm on Monday to Friday. Owners can bring dogs for half or full day care.