THE long-standing vacancy for a parish priest at Holy Trinity Church, Shaw should be filled by the summer.
There hasn’t been a permanent incumbent at Holy Trinity since the retirement of the Rev Peter McEvitt 18 months ago.
But now the archdeacon of Rochdale, Cherry Vann, is advertising for a new replacement vicar.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 2, with interviews taking place on March 12.
There will be a separate appointment for a vicar at St Paul’s Church as Rev McEvitt also attended to the needs of that congregation in Royton.
“One of the reasons for the delay in appointing a successor is because we decided to separate the roles at Holy Trinity and St Paul’s,” explained archdeacon Vann.
“It was felt appropriate Holy Trinity should be in another deanery so politically it has taken time for this to be completed.
“Now, we are ready to proceed and have advertised the vacancy.
“We are just waiting for the right person to come along.
“Sometimes it takes two or three times but with all jobs it’s best to wait and get the right person.
“There’s no point jumping to a quick decision that might be wrong. That’s no one good for anyone.”
The job application states: “This exciting post requires a parish priest who is passionate about realising the mission opportunities of working with schools, youth organisations and young families.
“The new incumbent will be someone who is:
• Creative and imaginative
• Especially gifted in working
with children and young people
• Able to create and lead
effective teams of lay and
ordained people
• Experience in nurturing
people of all ages in the
Christian faith
• Outward facing and able to
lead the church in mission in
the community
For further details about the vacancy and for an application pack, please contact:
Mrs Amanda Wrigley, PA to the Archdeacon of Rochdale
Tel: 0161 678 1454