OLDHAM Hulme Grammar School is ‘extremely proud’ to be one of eight finalists nationally in the Independent School of the Year Awards in the ‘Special Award for an Outstanding Response to COVID-19’ category.
The winner will be announced on Thursday, October 7.

Principal Craig Mairs said: “We are extremely proud to have been chosen as one of a handful of finalists.
“When we were shortlisted in July, I thought I couldn’t be prouder, but to make it to the final is superb.
“Our ‘lockdown learning’ provision has been second to none in the region. Students have enjoyed uninterrupted teaching and interaction with the staff and their peers using virtual Google classrooms.
“Our GCSE and A level results this year and in 2020 are a testament to the hard work that continued despite the move to online teaching and learning.
“Being recognised in this way has validated our exceptional work in this area.”

Find out more about the awards: www.independentschoolsoftheyear.co.uk