Reprieve for elderly lunch club threatened by closure

A CHARITY lunch club bringing local elderly people together that was due to close could now be set to continue. 

Pensioners were left ‘devastated’ when Age UK Oldham announced in the summer it would have to close its weekly clubs in September.

The charity has struggled to find alternative funding for two years and although Oldham Council had extended its support for the club, the authority says it has had to axe the funding because of ‘financial pressures’.

AGE UK luncheon clubs

The decision affects hundreds of elderly people who attend the clubs at centres across Oldham – including ones in Uppermill and Springhead.

It was blasted at the time by Saddleworth councillor Alicia Marland, who felt the Labour-run council’s decision to slash the budget was to blame for the proposed closures.

But after a public appeal, the Saddleworth West and Lees councillor says she has secured financial support from the community, as well as her fellow Liberal Democrat and opposition councillors, to ensure the clubs can continue.

“Age UK completed a strategic review of the five clubs which operate across the borough and some of the provision has changed to meet the needs of the elderly members,” Cllr Marland explained.

“They are adamant that they want these clubs to continue long into the future.

“I have been able to network with members of the community to rally a commitment to support this club and I am extremely grateful to them and the councillors from the Liberal Democrats, and fellow opposition parties who have given financial support as a result of my direct appeal.

Cllr Alicia Marland

“There is still some way to go to secure the full funding amount that is needed to ensure the safety of these clubs so I would like to again appeal to the businesses, charitable trusts or residents for any financial assistance they can provide.”

Age UK Oldham organises transport to and from the venues and helps the pensioners from the cars to their seats, as well as providing advice or referrals to onward support services that they may need.

The service previously provided a three-course meal, however, this has been slimmed down to tea and refreshments.

However, the elderly residents are content as the most important factor for them is getting out to see a friendly face, have fun and converse with friends.

But Cllr Marland stresses more still needs to be done to ensure the much-used luncheon clubs can keep going.

“I am thrilled that my appeal has raised thousands of pounds to help ensure these services continue long into the future,” she added.

“However Age UK still requires further financial support as not all the clubs are yet fully funded.

“So I want to appeal to the people and businesses of Oldham and Saddleworth to help in any way and please make contact with me by emailing”

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