OLDHAM East and Saddleworth MP Debbie Abrahams met with a group of local climate change activists who travelled to Westminster to take part in a mass lobby.
‘The Time is Now’ lobby was organised by the Climate Coalition and saw thousands march in London calling for urgent climate action.
Mrs Abrahams said: “Now really is the time for us to work together to tackle climate change for future generations.
“The Tory government’s response to climate change is disgraceful. Only this week they have pushed through legislation hiking VAT for renewable energy technologies.
“While they increase VAT to 20 per cent on energy efficient and renewable technologies, like wind or water turbines, it’s clear where their priorities are when VAT on fossil fuels remains at 5 per cent.
“The emergency we face globally demands we completely re-think the way we deal with climate change.”

Catherine Jones, a climate activist and Shaw resident, said: “We are the first generation to know we are destroying the world and we are the last that can do anything about it.
“Many of us having been ‘doing our bit’ for years but the scale of the issues around climate warming, plastic waste, species loss and air pollution are so great it now requires urgent political action to remedy them. The time for politicians to act is now.”