THREE local organisations have shared £900 after the latest round of applications for Asda Shaw’s green token giving programme.
And a trio of new groups now hope to benefit from the initiative which annually raises more than £1.4 million for 4,000 good causes across the country.
Additionally, two home delivery drivers have each received £100 top-up from the Asda Foundation to complete their fund-raising activities for Dr Kershaw’s Hospice, Royton.
Shaw Foodbank, run by Churches Together in Shaw and Crompton, have benefitted from the winners’ amount of £500.
The Foodbank is manned by volunteers and hosted at the Salvation Army on Farrow Street East.
Both Radio Cavell and Crompton Toddler Group collected £200 from the Greenfield Lane store.
The Toddler Group runs every Monday at Crompton Primary School on Longfield Road, Shaw between 9am and 10.45am.
Radio Cavell provides 24-hour information and entertainment for the Royal Oldham Hospital broadcasting on 1350 AM.
Drivers Karen Day and Ricky McLeary raised £1,300 for Dr Kershaw’s after completing the 2019 Greater Manchester Marathon.
They received their cheque from deputy store manager, John Nelson.
Three more groups have now been chosen for the next round of funding opportunity. They are:
• Maggie’s Centre, Oldham: The group relies entirely on donations and funding will provide support for those with cancer and their families.
• 1st Shaw Scout Group: Scout hut was broken into so funding will help towards the cost of repairs and improved security.
• Shaw Cricket Club: The junior section runs teams in both summer and winter and need help with running costs and indoor training equipment.
Voting ends on June 30, 2019. To vote once at the checkout at Asda Shaw, make sure you receive a green token from the cashier.
When leaving the store, place token into one of the three nominated slots.