Trustees sought to join Age UK charity board

AGE UK Oldham has launched a recruitment drive for new trustees of the charity which has the care and support of the borough’s older people at its core.

Potential members are being sought to complement the skills and experience of the current Trustees and to provide a Board which reflects Oldham’s community.

Applicants should have skills and experience to help Age UK Oldham across a range of challenges facing the charity.

This would include income generation, finance, publicity, community needs and involvement, partnership working and understanding of older people’s needs.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “Whatever your employment status, if you have the time, skillset and commitment you’d like to use for a good cause, we’d like to hear from you.

“For our part we are looking for a commitment to our charity aims, involvement for a reasonable length of time and regular attendance at Board meetings, which are held locally in the evening, 10-12 times a year.”

Anyone interested is asked to provide a brief CV indicating qualifications and experience and reasons for wanting to be part of the Board.

They can be sent to the Chief Executive, Age UK Oldham, 10 Church Lane, Oldham OL1 3AN
Alternatively to discover more about the role speak to Clint Elliot on 07778 160008 or Alex Boyd on 07802 791050 or email

More information about the work of Age UK Oldham can be found at the website

Age UK Oldham delivers a range of services targeted specifically at the needs of local older people in the Oldham borough, ranging through traditional care, dementia, prevention, information and advice, socialisation, leisure and much more in between.

These services come at a cost and in challenging financial times they rely heavily on goodwill to provide support via their chain of charity shops and donations as well as funded partnership agreements based on service delivery.

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